Today we are going with a very simple but very effective exercise to work the abdomen and shoulders, nothing more and nothing less than the Russian twist. With this movement, one of the main ones in the routines of Cross Training, you will get to mark the waist and work the obliques. Not only will you get to work the abdominal area, but also your spine will be strengthened, as this exercise helps to strengthen it and avoid annoying pain, especially for those who spend hours and hours in front of a computer in the office or at home. Below we will tell you what the Russian twist is, how to perform it and 5 variations with different accessories.


What are the Russian Twists?

We love the Russian Twist! Why? The reason is quite simple, this simple exercise can be done by people of all levels can be performed by people of all levels, both beginners on Cross Training and more experienced athletes in this discipline. Depending on your level you can add load and increase the difficulty of the exercise. The Russian Twist, also known as "Russian twists", consists mainly of rotating the torso by moving the hands from one side to the other without moving the legs, in such a way that the abdomen must remain contracted. the abdomen must remain contracted to stabilize the whole body. Depending on the physical level of the athlete, you can use a barbell, medicine ball, kettlebell or other type of material. However, if you are just starting out in the world of Cross Training, the most advisable is to perform this movement without equipment, because when using more weight, your back will be more sensitive.because when using more weight your back and abdomen will have to make more effort, and if you do not master the technique your spine can be resentful. Remember that, as with other Cross Training exercises, it is essential to know and execute the technique to avoid any type of injury that may cause discomfort. If you have any doubts, you can consult your coach for guidance on how to perform on how to perform this exercise.

How to make Russian Twist

One of the advantages of Russian money orders is that to perform them you only need a mat. As mentioned above, if you have the right level of fitness, you can increase the difficulty by adding weight to the exercise. Steps to follow:

  1. To begin, place yourself on a mat and lean your torso backwards until you are positioned at a 45º angle.
  2. Then bend your knees and slightly raise your feet so that they do not touch the ground, so that the only point of support with the ground are the buttocks. The abdomen should remain contracted at all times. If you are a beginner and do not have much strength in the abdominal area, keep your feet flat on the floor to avoid overloading your back.
  3. Now it's time to give it a bit of a workout. You must move your torso by moving your hands from one side to the other. If you decide to use a barbell, a disc, a kettlebell or any other type of weight, make sure that the object in your hands does not touch the floor every time you rotate. It is better to do this exercise in a slow and controlled manner than in a fast and uncontrolled manner.
  4. Do sets of 15 to 20 repetitions each.

It is essential to to maintain a correct position and prevent the back from slouching or arching more than it should. more than it should, so it is important to keep your abdomen contracted. In the following video you can see in detail how to do Russian Twist:



What muscles are worked when doing Russian twists?

If you execute this exercise well, the Russian Twist can be very effective, especially for the core area. These are the muscles that are worked the most with this movement:

  • Oblique abdomen (internal and external)
  • Rectus abdominis major
  • Lumbars
  • Hip flexors

5 variations to make Russian Twist with accessories

There are many variations that this exercise allows, among them, we highlight the following ones 5 ways to make Russian twists with accessories:

Russian twist with dumbbells

To perform this movement, grab a pair of dumbbells with both hands and rotate the trunk by moving the weight from one side to the other as in the following example:



Russian twist with kettlebell

The barbell variation is executed similarly to the dumbbell version, but in this case using a kettlebell. In the following video you can see how to do it in detail:



Russian twist with medicine ball

Position yourself on the mat (as explained above) with the medicine ball between both hands. Then rotate your torso, carrying the medicine ball from one side to the other. In this video you can see in detail how to perform this exercise with medicine ball: 



Russian twist with rope

Stand in the starting position and take both ends of the Rope with your hands, tilt your torso backwards, bend your knees and lift your feet. Then, move your torso from one side to the other, bringing the ropes to the corresponding side. In this video you can see in detail how to make a Russian Twist with rope: 



✅ Russian twist with elastic band

And finally, the Russian Twist with elastic bands. Position yourself in the starting position with the elastic band under your feet and move your torso from one side to the other, taking the elastic band with you as you rotate to the corresponding side. In this video you can see in detail how to make a Russian Twist with an elastic band:  



In addition to the Russian twist, there are other types of Russian twists, such as exercises to strengthen the abdomen such as, for example, the abdominal plank. Do not hesitate to visit our blog to keep you up to date with the latest news.


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