How to perform a Snatch Balance: technique and tips

Introduction to the Snatch, one of the most complicated exercises in CrossFit.

What is the Snatch Balance?

The Snatch balance is a very common exercise in cross training workouts, better known as CrossFit. It’s a type of weightlifting that involves quickly lowering yourself under a barbell from an elevated position and catching it in a full squat position. The movement is used to improve speed, agility and accuracy in the snatch, which is another weightlifting exercise that involves lifting the barbell from the ground to a raised position overhead in a single fluid movement.




Snatch Balance Benefits

The Snatch balance is a highly effective exercise for improving technique, strength and flexibility in weightlifting. More specifically, here are some of the benefits of the snatch balance:

  • Improve snatch technique.
  • Develop strength and balance.
  • Improve mobility.
  • Increase speed.
  • Increase confidence.

How it impacts the Snatch technique


Which muscles are worked in the Snatch Balance

The Snatch balance is a weightlifting exercise that works various muscle groups in the body, including:

  • Legs: The quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calves are the main muscles activated during the snatch balance.
  • Shoulders: The shoulders are also an important muscle group used in the snatch balance, as they are responsible for lifting the barbell overhead and holding it in place while lowering yourself under it.
  • Abs and back.
  • Hip flexors: The hip flexors are also activated during the snatch balance, as they are used to quickly lower yourself under the barbell and reach the full squat position.

In general, the snatch balance is a full body exercise that requires a great deal of strength, stability and muscular coordination to perform successfully.


Snatch Balance Technique

To perform a snatch balance, follow these steps:

  • Start with the barbell at shoulder height, feet shoulder width apart and elbows pointing towards the floor.
  • Squat down slightly and then with a burst, bring the barbell up over your head, stretching your arms out.
  • Immediately after reaching the standing position, begin to lower yourself under the barbell, bending your knees and dropping into a full squat position.
  • Make sure your knees are in line with your feet and that you maintain good posture while holding the barbell raised.
  • Then stand back up and push the barbell up, returning to the starting position.



Common mistakes in performing a Snatch Balance

The Snatch balance is one of the most technical and demanding exercises in cross training workouts (better known as CrossFit), so it’s not uncommon to make some mistakes when performing it. Some of the most common mistakes in the snatch balance include:

  1. Lack of balance.
  2. Bad technique.
  3. Lack of strength.
  4. Bad posture.
  5. Not warming up properly.

It’s important to work with an experienced coach to ensure that you perform the snatch balance correctly and fix any technique issues.


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