6 WODs for working out this summer outside the box

Summer is here and we are looking forward to enjoying the good weather and a well-deserved vacation. If you are one of those people who enjoy the summer while still training, here are 6 WODs to train outside the box this summer. Summer shouldn’t be an excuse to stop training. Whether you have a week's vacation, a whole month or long weekends, if you don't do CrossFit in July and August, it's only because you don't feel like it. Some prefer to find a box at their vacation destination; while others ask their coach for a training session at the gym or a park. However, if you prefer to enjoy your vacation at the beach or in the mountains and occasionally do a simple workout without equipment, here are 6 WODs you can try. The only equipment we recommend packing in your suitcase, and that doesn't take up any space, is your jump rope. 


For Time 

  • 2,500 m run 
  • 150 burpees 
  • 2,500 m run 


For Time 100 burpee pulls ups (if you don't have a rack on hand, you can omit the pull ups) 100 double-unders 

➡️Death by Burpees 

  • Minute 1: 1 burpee 
  • Minute 2: 2 burpees 
  • Minute 3: 3 burpees and so on until you die. 


For Time 100 push-ups, 800 m run, 75 push-ups, 1,200 m run, 50 push-ups, 1,600 m run, 25 push-ups, 2,000 m run 


50-40-30-20-10 Double-unders, Sit-ups 


For Time 800 m run, 400 m run backwards, 800 m run, 400 m run backwards 

As you can see these Heroes and Girls will test your cardio and endurance. They are perfect for the summer to burn off those beers and tapas from the day before. And you can do them anywhere: in the hotel room, at the beach, in a park, etc. 

Create your own summer WOD 

If you have been CrossFit training for a long time, you will surely have written down some WODs you’ve done in your box or you can think up a simple WOD for the summer. Here are some of the WOD exercises you can do without equipment: 

  • squats 
  • sit-ups 
  • push-ups 
  • run 
  • swim 
  • burpees 
  • jumping jacks 
  • pistol squats 
  • V-ups 
  • lunges 
  • handstand push-ups 
  • handstand walk 
  • bear walk 
  • mountain climber 
  • etc. 

You can also add some material that you can take with you or find easily, such as: 

  • jump rope: neatly folded and in a bag, you can take your rope anywhere and practice your double-unders. 
  • water bottles as dumbbells: they won't weigh much but will allow you to practice the following: 
  • dumbbell snatch 
  • dumbbell clean 
  • dumbbell clean and jerk 
  • thrusters 
  • box jump: with the right height furniture, make sure that it’s stable and can withstand the repetitions. 
  • park pull-up bar: nowadays, many municipal parks have an urban gym. 

What are we missing for you to create your own summer WOD? The mode in which you are going to perform the repetitions. The simplest ones are the ones that already have a rhythm, such as: 

  • 21-15-9 and its variations. 
  • EMOM: the maximum number of repetitions of an exercise in a minute 
  • Tabata: 40 seconds exercise, 20 seconds rest for a total of 8 rounds. 

If you want to add a bit of fun to the Tabata routine, find a Tabata Song. The melody itself, together with the singer's instructions, sets the rhythm for the Tabata. There are tons of Tabata Songs on YouTube and Spotify. As for AMRAP and For Time, unless you are an expert or your coach recommends it, it’s best to leave them out. Both the duration of the workout and the repetitions, as well as the combination of exercises in a certain order, require basic knowledge to avoid injury or overworking. Although the exercises we mentioned are metabolic and the WOD is performed with your own body weight, we should let the experts tell us how to do them. 

Do you have your workouts ready for the summer? 

If you know of more WODS without equipment to do at your vacation destination, let us know in the comments. 


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