7 cross-training exercises to include in your rutine

One of the characteristics of CrossFit that sets it apart from other fitness training is that the workouts vary greatly, as you can include different types of exercises. Depending on your level, you should adapt your Workout of the Day or WOD (as CrossFit routines are known) to ensure you reach your goals. You can practice these CrossFit exercises in your Box, in any free space, or at home; since you don't need any equipment, it won’t be an impairment for your workouts. Below, we have put together a series of CrossFit exercises to help you design your own routines. 

CrossFit exercises for your exercise routine 

Before we begin with the best CrossFit exercises to include in your workout routines, it’s essential to emphasize the importance of executing them correctly and, if in doubt, always consult your coach for guidance at any time. In addition, using extra protection helps you avoid possible injuries. Get a set of wrist wraps, kneepads and a lumbar support belt. And if you are one of those people who train a lot, we recommend you use hand grips to protect your hands. Here are the 7 CrossFit exercises to include in your exercise routines. 

✅ Walking Lunges 

We start with a CrossFit exercise ideal for those who want to strengthen their lower body, especially the legs: the great beneficiaries of this workout. Walking Lunges basically consist of lunging forward, although you can also do the lunges in place. In addition, you can introduce weights to increase the level of resistance. To perform them, simply step forward with one leg while the other leg is bent, until it touches the ground. In this article, we explain in detail how to do this exercise: Walking Lunges: strengthen your legs

✅ Burpees 

Let’s step it up. Burpees are a CrossFit exercise that requires a little more effort. This shouldn’t be a reason not to try them, but always remember to follow all the steps to execute them correctly and not injure yourself. This is an anaerobic exercise, i.e., it’s a short, high-intensity exercise aimed at toning up, although if you do it often, you will notice many more benefits. 

burpee jack

Burpees are one of the best CrossFit exercises. You work the whole body and it doesn’t require any space or equipment to do it. 

To do this exercise, we recommend that you take a look at the following article in which we explain how to do it and the varieties you can practice: The dreaded Burpees: what they are, types and how to do them properly. 

✅ Plank 

The plank is a very easy and simple exercise that you can introduce into your routines. It’s a well-rounded exercise, as it helps you tone your abs, waist and your arm and shoulder muscles. You don't need any equipment, just your own body, so it’s ideal for working out anywhere. Lie on your stomach with your body weight on your forearms, then prop yourself up only on the tips of your toes so that your back is completely straight. Your arms should be bent, the shoulder blades open and the hips in line with your back. In this video, you can see in detail how to do a plank correctly. The duration ranges from 30 seconds to one minute. 

✅ Jumping rope 

Jumping rope is an exercise that you can find in many WODs. If you practice CrossFit regularly, you have surely already seen its benefits. As we indicated in the title of this exercise, you will only need a jump rope to do it. Although it may seem like child's play, jumping rope is an excellent fat-burning exercise, you burn more calories than running and you also work your whole body. And don't worry if you're a beginner because it's suitable for all levels.

✅ Wall Climb 

If you are looking for an exercise to work your back, arms and abdominal muscles, ‘Wall Climb’ is your answer. This CrossFit exercise that can be included in your routines is one of the most fun exercises that also involves many muscle groups. You won't need a lot of equipment; to do a Wall Climb you only need a wall, the rest is up to you. If you are consistent, this exercise can also help you improve your coordination, as well as your agility and flexibility. In this article, we will tell you in detail how to do this exercise properly: Wall Climb: the exercise for a back of steel. 

✅ Sit ups 

Sit ups, also known as CrossFit crunches, should be introduced into your routine if you want to strengthen the abdominal area, as they have a huge impact on this area, both in terms of physical appearance and health. As a functional CrossFit exercise, it burns body fat and promotes muscle gain. You don't need any equipment to do this exercise, but we do recommend that you have a mat handy to avoid discomfort when lying down. To do Sit ups you have to lie on your back with the soles of your feet together and your knees bent and slightly apart. If you prefer, place a towel or cushion under your back to maintain its natural curvature. Then place your arms stretched out behind you, with your hands at the same level of your head. Finally, we push ourselves forward, until our hands touch our feet. In this video, you can see in detail how to do Sit ups .

 ✅ Box Jump 

The Box Jump is a plyometric CrossFit exercise, in other words, it allows you to work your muscles in an explosive way by working at maximum power for a very short period of time. For this exercise, you need a crate. Make sure it’s not damaged or dented to avoid slipping, and that it doesn’t move, or you could fall and injure yourself. And remember, always consult your coach to avoid any injuries. 

box jumps

The Box jump is another CrossFit exercise that allows for many variations in the type of jumps and can be performed with or without weights. Another complete exercise that should be part of any routine. 

In this post, we explain in detail how to perform this exercise: Box Jump: try it and you won't want to stop doing this exercise. 


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